Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Deco Plate
recently got this from spode english garden collection. nice as home deco and also for desert plate. :D
Emas Hitam (Black Gold) aka Thong Dam

the skin might be green in colour but inside, the flesh is beautiful orange or yellow and it's still green when it's ripe

so sweet and juicy...
this is one of my favourite mango : called the black gold (in english), emas hitam (in malay) and thong dam (in siam). Usually the taste never let me down. very sweet and juicy..and a bit expensive compared to other mangos. others may cost around RM10 for 3 kgs but this type costs RM15 per 3 kgs. might be cheaper at the pasar malam (night market) compared to a roadside stall. but definitely it's worth buying.. :)

Moo - Paper Towel Holder
cute and handy to have around the house, at least now i don't have to worry about paper towel rolling on the floor or missing somewhere :p

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Simple Menu

cauliflower, boiled a while with some salt.. as 'ulam'
blended 'sambal belacan' no time to pound

and 'masak asam ikan sardin'
even yiyi the skinny boy ate 2 servings of rice :D

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Ulam Petai
jeles tgk petai kat blog kak ina.. ni pun ulam fevret umi tau, kak ina... jangan maree... tp umi suka rebus je tak tau la camne nak bakar tu cam lambat je.
fuhh makan ni mmg best tak hingat lahh :D
Sunday outing

memandangkan semalam tak sihat, terpaksa la bawa budak2 makan fastfood. lagipun sian le diorg dok terperuk kat rumah aje.

kebetulan dpt le makan kat restoran a&w yg baru dibuka kat jusco au2

yiyi ni makan slow aje.. keje dia pegi basuh tangan

dan si awe ni seme fries termasuk yg orang punya pun dibantainya.. dgn rambut yg pendek, makin bulatlah muka dia. katanya nak potong rambut mcm mawi :p
Recovering from cold

Sorry there have been no posting for the last week since I was not feeling well.. On Saturday I was down with cold and today, I'm still recovering. but not due to swine flu ok..

and of course i would feel a bit sleepy after taking medications, and don't have the energy to cook etc..

but at this moment.. (must be due to warm weather these days) i have been craving for :

mmm yummy.. i think i have to find this today

Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy birthday to my dear hubby :)

Myspace Comments

and here's a slice of cake for you.. :D

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sayur Keladi

antara bahan yg perlu dan menyedapkan sayur

rebus dulu sampai empuk dan buang air rebusan. masukkan air lain. (ops lupa lak, rebus ubi berasingan takut hancur nanti, masukkan masa dah2 dekat nak siap).

hasilnya.. yumm yumm
sebenarnya dah lama teringin nak makan sayur keladi ni.. memang kat kg pun panggil sayur keladi je, tapi masak stail asam pedas la sebenarnya. sedap dimakan panas.. cam saya ni suka ratah begitu saja.. fuhh.. mmg besttt..
Er..Wind chime?

not really.. this is made from tin cans. my brother in law gave this to us. whenever the wind blows, the cans will spin beautifully. therefore, we might call it a wind spin? :)

it's a perfect way to recycle, isn't it?

vanilla muffins

vanilla and choc chip muffins

i had been baking muffin last night to give to my babysitter's family and for our own consumption nyum nyumm..

Friday, April 17, 2009

Jalan-jalan Cari Makan : Jombali

Today me and my hubby had lunch at Jombali outlet at Carrefour wangsa maju.
not too many people around during lunch time. ideal to grab a quick lunch of :

kampung fried rice @ RM6.90 per plate. my hubby said it was good. i said, it reminded me of queen's fried rice in alor setar.

watermelon juice @ RM4.50

ribena longan for hubby (not sure what's the price)
The address :
8/27 Carrefour,
Wangsa Maju,
53300 Kuala Lumpur,
Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia
p/s: this outlet was also featured in Jalan-jalan cari makan (JJCM)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ayam lagi..
ni atas permintaan abe awe.. ntah la abe awe ke abah dia ke yg nak makan sebenarnya. tp tak kisah le sbb abahnye yg tukang goreng kuikuikui..apapun memandangkan abe awe demam semalam harap dia happy dpt makan ayam ni lagi.
smlm si yiyi sibuk beli kubis pulak - biasalah dia ni kaki shopping pegi le kedai apa pun ada saja benda dia nak beli. so apa lagi kubis tu buat coleslaw lah..(tapi dia tak makan pulak.. hee geram betul budak kurus nih)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Lemon Rosemary Chicken Fillet

Click for Original Recipe by Jeni

atau senang sikit, dah copypaste cam kat bawah ni :
4 ketul boneless chicken (sy gunakan 3 keping dada ayam)
10 gm rosemary kering
1 tsp serbuk lada hitam
4 ulas bawang putih
2 tbsp minyak zaitun (sy guna minyak sayuran aje)
Garam secukup rasa

Cara Membuatnya
Tumbuk rosemary bersama bawang putih.
Keringkan ayam dengan paper towel. Lumurkan ayam dengan minyak zaitun, rosemary yang telah ditumbuk dengan bawang putih, serbuk lada hitam dan garam secukup rasa.
Masak atas frying pan atas api yang sederhana supaya bahagian dalam ayam masak sekata tanpa menghangitkan luar ayam.
Sedap dimakan dengan salad, mayonis dan perah lemon ke atas ayam yang telah dimasak tadi.

and as usual, I double up the ingredients.. :D
Mango Pudding

After spending much time drooling after Hazila's mango pudding. I have finally succeeded in making my own.. hehehe..
Saturday's activity : 'horse riding'

as usual, whenever we go to jusco au2, this is what my sons would do..
Menu Ahad

ni lah my fevret gulai. gulai ikan talang kering
sotong ni dimasak oleh abahnye untuk yiyi (mmg 2 beranak je yg makan)

kangkung goreng.. fevret yiyi.. so apa yg abe awe makan? cuma kuah gulai dengan ikan talang kering goreng.. :p (jenuh nak paksa mamat ni makan sayur, tapi dapat juga paksa dia makan buah pelam sepotong)
Pokok dah berbunga

cantiknya pokok tepi jalan kat depan rumah ni dah berbunga.. suka sangat duduk kat balkoni time2 camni (hubby kata kalau gambar bunga ni tiap2 tahun ada hehehe)

dan pokok ni pun dah berbuah dengan lebatnya.. :)
(sayang betul tak boleh tanam atas tanah, cuma tanam dalam pasu aje)

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Bubur Pulut Hitam
April New Book

front cover

This came in yesterday, from naylah.. thanks naylah, can't wait to read this one. and it comes with a token too.. thanks again.. :)

comes in two sizes
(also available in 3")
those who are interested to get these, can email me.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Di tepi pantai yang indah

pantai seagate - kerana berdekatan kilang seagate.. dengan view pulau jerejak

pokok marigold :)

penang bridge

second penang bridge in progress

ikan belacak

abe awe


tempat sesuai untuk mencari ketenangan